My Ovulation Test is Positive! When Should I Have Sex?
Getting pregnant is not easy for every couple. Though some may conceive naturally, others need a little help to give them a better chance. It's imperative to know when you are ovulating so you can time intercourse perfectly.
Using ovulation predictor tests will increase your chances of getting pregnant. A positive ovulation test signals that it's time to have sex now! Timing is everything if you want to get pregnant. Your chances increase if you have sex within five days before you ovulate. They decrease as the hours pass after you have ovulated as well. Your egg only survives for about 24 hours once ovulation has occurred.
What Does a Positive Ovulation Test Tell You?
WebMD, explains that an ovulation test indicates that an egg is about to be released from the ovary. Once released, it will be ready for fertilization. Ovulation tests detect the luteinizing hormone (LH) that is released right before ovulation.
Once the LH surge is detected, your ovulation test will show a positive result. For most women, the positive result lets you know that you will be ovulating within 24 to 36 hours. If you are trying to get pregnant, it would be a good idea to have sex now.
Timing Sex for Conception
A positive ovulation test means you will ovulate within the next 12 to 72 hours. The time frame of actual ovulation varies from woman to woman. Have sex the day of the positive ovulation test and the next two days, too. This will allow the sperm to be where it needs to be when you ovulate.
Keep in mind sperm can survive for up to five days. So timing sex a few days before ovulation occurs can also result in pregnancy. Monthly charting of your positive ovulation tests will help you figure out when you ovulate in your cycle. If you know that you usually ovulate on day 14 of your cycle, you can plan to have sex starting on day 11. The sperm should still be alive and able to fertilize your egg at ovulation.
Keep in mind, ovulation is not an exact science. You can track your cycle and listen to your doctor's advice, and still not get pregnant. If you have gone through at least five cycles, with no positive pregnancy test results, a visit to your doctor is in order. They will help make sure everything is working as it should, reproductively speaking.
Increasing Your Odds of Getting Pregnant
Making some changes to your lifestyle can increase your odds of conception. Reduce your intake of caffeinated drinks, stop smoking, and cut back on alcohol. Find some way to de-stress and make sure you are getting enough sleep. These small changes can improve your fertility, increasing your chances of getting pregnant.
Even the position of your body after sex can make a difference. Consider the natural standing position of a female body. Gravity works against a sperm traveling from the vagina to the uterus. The journey becomes easier for the sperm if you lie down with your feet raised. This increases your chances of conception.
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