Staying Encouraged while You’re Trying to Conceive
Trying to conceive can be an emotional journey, especially when things don’t go as planned. This guide offers encouragement, stress-management tips, and ways to stay positive, so you can feel supported and connected throughout the process.
Getting Pregnant

How Do I Calculate When I Ovulate?
To get pregnant, you need to have sex at the right time during your cycle. You need to know when you will be ovulating so you can make sure the sperm will be there to meet the egg. Many women have a typical 28-day cycle, but not everyone does. Unfortunately, calculations based on this assumption could have you missing your fertile period if you are not part of the norm. You will need to calculate your cycle length. Calculating the Length Of Your Cycle You will need to keep track of when your period starts each month. Do not assume. Tracking the date for three or four months will give you the best estimate of when you ovulate. The length...

How Long After Ovulation Can You Take A Pregnancy Test?
You really want to know if you were successful getting pregnant this cycle but if you test too early, you may end up with an inaccurate result.
About Pregnancy Tests

What Are The Chances of Getting Pregnant Soon After Giving Birth?
You have recently given birth and you are already wondering when you will be fertile again? You may have heard that you will not be fertile for a while after birth but that's not true. Many women have gotten pregnant within a couple of weeks of giving birth. You probably know of families with VERY closely spaced siblings. You can conceive again within a couple of weeks after giving birth, even if your period has not returned. Breastfeeding and Fertility There are many factors that come into play when getting pregnant again after having a baby is concerned. The most important factor is whether you are breastfeeding your newborn. Although it is possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding, breastfeeding itself is...
Getting Pregnant

Getting Pregnant in Your 30's - How to Improve Your Odds
Getting Pregnant In Your 30's There are many reasons women are waiting until they are older to get pregnant. College typically will take you into your early 20's if you stop after you get your undergraduate degree. After college, there's the workforce. Many women have active, successful careers, and a husband they want to spend time with before they add a child to the mix. Before they know it, they are in their 30's and now ready for a baby. There is a plus of waiting until you are over 30 to get pregnant. Being older also typically makes us wiser. Maturity and wisdom accumulate in the extra time before trying to get pregnant when you are in your 30's. ...
Getting Pregnant

My Ovulation Test is Positive! When Should I Have Sex?
Getting pregnant is not easy for every couple. Though some may conceive naturally, others need a little help to give them a better chance. It's imperative to know when you are ovulating so you can time intercourse perfectly. Using ovulation predictor tests will increase your chances of getting pregnant. A positive ovulation test signals that it's time to have sex now! Timing is everything if you want to get pregnant. Your chances increase if you have sex within five days before you ovulate. They decrease as the hours pass after you have ovulated as well. Your egg only survives for about 24 hours once ovulation has occurred. What Does a Positive Ovulation Test Tell You? WebMD, explains that an ovulation...
Getting Pregnant

Why is Folic Acid important for Conception and Pregnancy?
When you decide to have a baby, folic acid is one of the main items that should appear on your "remaining healthy" checklist. Folic acid, sometimes called folate or folacin, is a B vitamin more popularly referred to as B9. It aids our body in producing more red blood cells, as well as the chemical components of our nervous system, such as norepinephrine and serotonin. Folic acid can also aid in synthesizing the genetic substances found in the cells of our bodies as well as help us to maintain normalized brain functions. Why Should I take Folic Acid? It is suggested that folic acid should be used both before and during conception, as it is one of the few...
Getting Pregnant

Why Is There Blood in My Cervical Mucus? Reasons For Bloody Discharge
Blood in your cervical mucus, when you are trying to conceive, could be implantation bleeding, a sign of pregnancy.
Natural Fertility Signs

Can Blood Pregnancy Tests Be Wrong?
As a general rule, blood tests for pregnancy are more reliable than urine or home pregnancy tests. But they can be wrong. That means, they can show false negative or false positive results in some women. To understand why this can happen, we need to know what blood pregnancy tests are, how they work, and what do their results mean. At What Point Can a Blood Test Determine Whether or Not a Woman is Pregnant? Blood tests can detect pregnancy about 7 to 12 days after conception, making them a better option than most at home pregnancy tests. Unlike home pregnancy tests, they can also determine the level of hCG in your blood. How Accurate is a Blood...
About Pregnancy Tests

Ovulation Test Strips - How Do They Predict Ovulation?
If you are trying to get pregnant, you need to know when you will be ovulating. One of the easiest ways of figure out when you will be ovulating is to use ovulation test strips or OPKs (ovulation predictor kits), in trying to conceive speak. OPKs can help you pinpoint ovulation making it easier to plan when to have sex to get pregnant. What is Ovulation? Ovulation is when your ovaries release your egg into your reproductive system. One of two things will happen after you ovulate. You will either end up getting your period or, if you had sex at the right time, possibly getting pregnant. At the start of the menstrual cycle, your body starts producing follicle...
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BabyHopes.com is a family owned and operated business, opened in January 2001. We have been serving the trying to conceive community for over 20 years.