When Can I Take A Pregnancy Test and Get a Positive Result?
You are dying to know how long it will take for your pregnancy test will read positive. You’d love the answer today, but you are going to have to wait a while. Women who are trying to conceive call this awful waiting time the “two-week wait.” Unfortunately, pregnancy tests are not magic. You cannot take one the morning after you had sex and assume that it will be positive or negative. When Should I Take a Pregnancy Test? We are going to start with the timing of when to take a pregnancy test. 95% of women will get an accurate result if they wait until their period has not arrived. If you want accurate results, wait.The other when question women...
About Pregnancy Tests

How Long Does It Take For Metformin To Work for Conception?
What is Metformin? Metformin, also known as Glucophage, is a medication that regulates the levels of glucose (sugar) in the blood. Metformin accomplishes its task through three methods. First, it causes the liver to produce less glucose. Second, metformin helps your stomach to absorb less glucose from the food that you eat. Finally, metformin improves the efficiency of the insulin that the body produces, which reduces the amount of glucose that is in your blood. Metformin is often prescribed for people with Type II diabetes. How Long Does it Take for Metformin to Work? How long it takes Metformin to work depends on why you are taking it. If you are taking it to regulate your blood sugar, then metformin...
Health Issues

What is the LH Surge and Why Don't I Have One?
One of the things about trying to conceive is that there are several different ways you can detect your fertility. Ultimately, all of these techniques, from cervical mucus charting to tracking your Basal Body Temperature, are designed to help you know when exactly it is that you ovulate. One way to help detect whether you're ovulating is to watch for the LH Surge. What is LH or Luteinizing Hormone? The luteinizing hormone is excreted by your pituitary gland and is responsible for the release of your egg at ovulation. LH is always in your system but usually at low levels. What is an LH Surge There is a surge of luteinizing hormone (LH) when your body's estrogen level reaches a...

Are Kegel Exercises Important for Conception?
If you are a woman then you have certainly heard of kegel exercises. Whether you do them or not is another story, but we have all read about them in women's magazines, on the Internet, and even heard our friends talk about them. However, are they important for conception? In general, Kegel exercises are used to strengthen a woman’s vaginal and pelvic floor muscles. It is important for these muscles to be strong during pregnancy because they will better be able to support the uterus. Kegel exercises probably won’t do much for conception, although they can be used during sex for added pleasure. They do a lot for pregnant women during their pregnancy and childbirth though. If you are...
Getting Pregnant

What Are The Chances Of A False Positive Ovulation Predictor Test If I Am Taking Clomid?
Ovulation Predictor Kits (OPK's) are an essential tool that many women, who are trying to conceive, choose to use to help determine when the best time for conception is. An OPK detects a surge in the Luteinizing hormone (LH) that occurs when ovulation is about to take place. The pituitary gland releases LH, and the luteinizing hormone is always in the bloodstream in small amounts. Its job is to stimulate the ovaries into producing and releasing eggs. The LH indicates that ovulation will happen in about 24 to 36 hours. The day the LH surge is detected and the day after are the most likely time for conception to occur. Clomid is the trade name of the medication Clomiphene...

Can Illegal Drug Use Affect My Fertility?
It has been well documented that illegal drug use can have a negative impact on a person’s life and wellbeing. In fact, the health implications are drastically increased with each use. Side effects can vary between users but most illegal drug use has documented profound implications – from addiction, lung problems (like emphysema and COPD), destruction of brain cells, learning disabilities, and even death. Unfortunately, for many trying to conceive, using illegal drugs could also bring on the difficulty in both getting pregnant and carrying a baby to term. Marijuana and Your Fertility Marijuana can cause issues with fertility in any stage; from trying to conceive to carrying a healthy baby to full term. Repeated usage of marijuana...
Getting Pregnant

Evening Primrose Oil (EPO) - Its Role In Trying to Conceive
What Is Evening Primrose Oil (EPO)? Evening primrose oil has been used to help women with fertility, and with menstrual issues, for hundreds of years. This oil has been cold-pressed from the seeds of the Oenothera biennis (evening primrose) plant, which is, strangely, not a primrose at all, but gets its name from the fact that the flower looks similar to English Primrose. Its healing properties were first discovered in Medieval Europe when it was called the “King’s cure-all” because it helped fight many ailments and illnesses. Currently, it is still used to help with a variety of physical issues - everything from eczema to high blood pressure to fertility issues and pre-menstrual syndrome. It is even used as a...
Getting Pregnant

Can Medication Affect Pregnancy Test Results?
All pregnancy tests look for the presence of a particular pregnancy-related hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin, or hCG. This hormone is present in the blood and urine of all pregnant women and is the first step in acknowledging pregnancy. Different Types of Pregnancy Tests Blood-based pregnancy tests or home pregnancy tests will determine if you are pregnant. In most cases, a woman will conduct her urine test at home, and then after receiving a positive result will have a pregnancy blood test ordered by her doctor for further confirmation. However, not all urine tests are alike. Some have an increased sensitivity to hCG and can detect as little as 20 mIU of hCG within seven to ten days past ovulation....
About Pregnancy Tests

Depo Provera - What Are The Chances of Getting Pregnant?
Getting to Know Depo Provera Depo Provera is a woman's birth control method. It is a progestin-only contraceptive injection that given four times a year. Depo Provera does not contain estrogen, so it is safe for women how can't take birth control pills with estrogen. The Depo shot is safe if you have recently given birth and if you are breastfeeding. According to WebMD, the Depo shot is immediately effective as long as you get it within five days of the start of your period. It lasts for at least three months, and you need to get another shot every 12 weeks. How worry free does that sound ladies? No more worrying about organizing your pills and taking them on...
Health Issues

Can The Day Of Conception Determine A Baby's Gender?
There are tons of old wives tales out there that you have most likely dismissed as being just a tale, like how the day of conception can determine a baby’s gender. If you want particular sex for your baby, the day of conception can help you to determine what sex your baby will be. What Determines Gender? Your male partner’s sperm determines the gender of your baby. Each of his sperm has either male or female traits, and the one that reaches the egg first decides which sex the baby will become. In other words, if a sperm with male chromosomes reaches the egg first, a baby boy will be conceived. If the sperm with female chromosomes reaches the...
Getting Pregnant
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