Smoking and Fertility - Increase Your Fertility by Quitting
When you first started smoking, chances are you didn't give the adverse side effects much thought. Now that you are hooked, you are just accepting that your habit has some potential health problems associated with it. You now have a higher probability of having heart disease, emphysema, and cancer. You may also l have more frequent bouts of bronchitis and pneumonia than non-smokers do. If you want to get pregnant and start a family, your habit can hinder your chances of having a successful pregnancy. Smoking can affect both female and male fertility. Smoking, Male Fertility, and Sperm Sperm can be quite fragile. They are susceptible to harm by many environmental factors. Diet, heat, weight, stress, alcohol, and smoking...
Getting Pregnant
Can You Take Home Pregnancy Tests Before Missing a Period?
Most mothers-to-be today look at early detection as something immensely important. This is especially true for women who begin experiencing symptoms of pregnancy before missing their periods. However, how do you know whether you should wait to take a test or if you can take one before your period while still getting accurate results? Waiting Until After You've Missed a Period is Often Best Most drug stores today offer a wide variety of pregnancy tests that you can buy over-the-counter. Each might use a different method to help detect pregnancy, ranging from urinating into a cup and then dipping the stick in the urine to putting your urine into a special container with the use of an eyedropper and peeing...
About Pregnancy Tests
What Is The Difference Between A Basal Thermometer And A Regular Thermometer?
Basal Temperature The basal body temperature, a measure of the normal temperature of an average person upon waking, rises as a result of hormonal changes during ovulation. Ultra-sensitive basal thermometers are capable of tracking even the most minute of basal temperature changes. Taking and recording your basal temperature is an easy and straightforward method to track, allowing you to pinpoint the occurrence of ovulation within your menstrual cycle. Because of the nature concerning basal body temperature, this method will only be accurate if you take your temperature upon waking and at a consistent time. Variance in the time that the temperature is taken each day could cause incorrect results and comparison between your temperatures from day to day. The best...
Natural Fertility Signs
How can Vitex (Chaste berry) help me get pregnant?
How Does Vitex Work? Vitex has been used for centuries to help women deal with "woman issues," but science still doesn't know how exactly vitex works. Vitex doesn't have hormonal properties by itself, but it does help balance your hormones. It appears to support the pituitary gland function more optimally. The pituitary gland controls when and how much hormone is released in your body. Too much of one hormone can stop other hormones from doing their intended job. Vitex helps to create a hormonal balance that helps your reproductive system work as it should. Vitex and Your Fertility Also known as Chaste Berry, Vitex Agnus-Castus is an herb that has used to correct hormonal imbalances in women for...
Getting Pregnant
Ovulation and Getting Pregnant
Article discusses the mechanics behind ovulation and what why it's important to your fertility.
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