
Tag: Natural Fertility Signs

All About Cervical Mucus and Getting Pregnant

All About Cervical Mucus and Getting Pregnant

Quick Jump Menu:  What is Cervical Mucus? How Cervical Mucus Changes During Your CycleWhat Causes "Egg White" Cervical Mucus? Charting Your Cervical Mucus Changes to Determine Your Fertility Am I Infertile If I Have No Cervical Mucus? Causes of Low / No Cervical Mucus What is Hostile Cervical Mucus? Clomid, Hostile Cervical Mucus and Robitussin/Guaifenesin Cervical Mucus and Your Partner's Sperm How to Improve the Quantity and Quality of Your Cervical Mucus Cervical Mucus Supporting Supplements What is Cervical Mucus? Cervical mucus is a jelly-like substance produced by minute glands in the cervical canal. The mucus appears as a discharge throughout your cycle. You will notice it after you wipe when you go to the bathroom. As you get closer...

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Natural Fertility Signs

Natural Fertility Signs

Knowing your natural fertility signs can help you when it comes to conceiving. Many women are under the misconception that they can just get pregnant whenever they want. That is just not true. With conception, timing really is everything and in order to determine the correct timing to have sex, you need to be able to identify your natural fertility signs. Learning your fertility signs can make all the difference when planning to become pregnant. Cervical Mucus One of the best ways to determine whether you are fertile is to pay attention to your cervical mucus. Secreted by the cervix, your cervical mucus alters throughout your monthly cycle. Right after you have stopped menstruating, you will have a few days...

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Why Is There Blood in My Cervical Mucus?  Reasons For Bloody Discharge

Why Is There Blood in My Cervical Mucus? Reasons For Bloody Discharge

Blood in your cervical mucus, when you are trying to conceive, could be implantation bleeding, a sign of pregnancy.

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Basal Body Temperature Chart (BBT) -  PDF  Celsius & Fahrenheit

Basal Body Temperature Chart (BBT) - PDF Celsius & Fahrenheit

Download this free BBT chart and record your basal body temperature, cervical mucus, and cervical position plus other variables.

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Basal Thermometers - Tips for Use

Basal Thermometers - Tips for Use

BBT charting is a popular way to determine when you ovulate. Article discusses choosing a BBT thermometer and offers helpful tips on use.

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What Is The Difference Between A Basal Thermometer And A Regular Thermometer?

What Is The Difference Between A Basal Thermometer And A Regular Thermometer?

Basal Temperature The basal body temperature, a measure of the normal temperature of an average person upon waking, rises as a result of hormonal changes during ovulation. Ultra-sensitive basal thermometers are capable of tracking even the most minute of basal temperature changes. Taking and recording your basal temperature is an easy and straightforward method to track, allowing you to pinpoint the occurrence of ovulation within your menstrual cycle. Because of the nature concerning basal body temperature, this method will only be accurate if you take your temperature upon waking and at a consistent time. Variance in the time that the temperature is taken each day could cause incorrect results and comparison between your temperatures from day to day. The best...

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