Ovulation Symptoms and Signs That WILL Help You Get Pregnant!
If you are trying to get pregnant, knowing when you are ovulating is important. Article discusses ovulation signs and symptoms.
Why Was My Home Pregnancy Test Positive, But My Blood Test Negative?
It can be extremely frustrating when your home pregnancy test is positive, but a blood test taken at your doctor’s office comes back negative. However, there are a few reasons why this would occur. Remember that all home pregnancy tests are roughly 97% accurate when they performed correctly. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office on Women’s Health provides a few notes on how best to take a home pregnancy test: Choose your home pregnancy test wisely. Some have a lower sensitivity level than others. Lower sensitivity means that those tests will be able to detect hCG in your urine early on in your pregnancy. Before using a home pregnancy test, also check the expiration date and read...
About Pregnancy Tests
Can I Have A Positive Ovulation Test But Not Ovulate?
What is an LH Surge? Ovulation is the process of an ovary releasing an egg from the follicle and allowing the egg to float down the fallopian tubes. Just before ovulation, a dramatic hormonal change takes place called the LH Surge. Luteinizing hormone (LH) is the hormone that initiates ovulation by causing the egg to separate from the ovarian surface. Ovulation predictor tests detect the surge and let you know ovulation is near. How Do You Tell if an OPK is Positive? Reading an ovulation test can be a bit tricky. If you want to remove the guesswork, digital ovulation predictor kits are your best bet. They are more expensive, but you will have a definitive yes or no answer....
Common Earliest Signs of Pregnancy - Do You Have Any Of These Symptoms?
Am I Pregnant? For some women, this question brings thoughts of joy and for some feelings of uncertainty. The two weeks, between conception and getting a positive pregnancy test, can be very stress filled. Here are some symptoms that are potentially pregnancy related. If you are lucky, they will be the precursor to a positive pregnancy test result. Earliest Signs of Pregnancy Do you suspect you might be pregnant? Until you can take a pregnancy test, you will have to rely on the signs and symptoms your body is showing. The most common early pregnancy symptoms include: Swollen breasts. Your breasts can begin to swell and become tender. You may notice this as early as two weeks after you become...
Getting Pregnant
If I Missed My Period, Does That Mean I am Pregnant?
No matter what age a woman is, missing a period generally leads to thoughts of pregnancy. Unless you can rule out pregnancy due to having no sexual intercourse, missing a period can lead to extreme happiness in some women and terrible fear in others. Even though the most commons signs of pregnancy are a missed period, nausea, breast tenderness, and fatigue, it is essential to understand that these are just symptoms and not actual confirmations. Pregnancy Tests Rule out pregnancy by taking a home pregnancy test as soon as you realize that you have missed a period. Such tests are widely available online and over-the-counter. When performed correctly, these pregnancy tests have a 97% accuracy rate. If the test is...
Getting Pregnant
Is it Possible to be Pregnant if the Pregnancy Test is Negative?
The simple answer is yes but there are several reasons this may be the case. Article discusses the reasons why a false negative pregnancy test might happen.
About Pregnancy Tests
Why is Progesterone Important for Fertility?
Progesterone Defined Progesterone is one of the most important hormones in a woman’s body and the role it plays in fertility is unquestionable. Commonly referred to as “the pregnancy hormone,” progesterone is a natural female hormone that produced by the corpus luteum to build and maintain the lining of the uterus so that the fertilized egg can implant and grow. The Importance of Progesterone in Fertility Treatments According to the National Infertility Association, Progesterone is critical before and during a woman’s pregnancy and its role centers mainly around the creation and maintenance of the lining in the uterus where the fertilized egg will implant itself. Levels of Progesterone Throughout Ovulation Progesterone levels are typically at their highest between days...
Getting Pregnant
Using Saliva Ferning to Detect Ovulation
Ovulation is the key aspect to pay attention to when you are trying to get pregnant. There are many ways on the market that will help you figure out when you are ovulating, including tracking saliva ferning. What is Saliva Ferning? When you ovulate, your saliva reacts to the changes in the hormone levels. So, when you check your saliva, with a microscope, on a regular basis, you will be able to discover when hormones, like estrogen, are surging and intercourse is a good idea. Increased estrogen will make your dried saliva look like ferns or frost on a windshield. When you see this, you will know that ovulation should occur within 24 to 72 hours. Is Tracking Saliva Ferning...
Does Having Frequent Sex Affect Sperm Count?
A Guide to Understanding Male Fertility When a couple is planning for a baby, understanding male fertility can make a big difference. You may have heard that sperm count, quality, and how often you have sex are important. But does frequent sex really impact sperm count? Here, we break down how sperm health works, what can influence it, and how you can boost fertility naturally. Sperm Count and Fertility: Why Does It Matter? Sperm count plays a big role in conception, as each journey to fertilize an egg relies on healthy, motile sperm. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines a “normal” sperm count as at least 15 million sperm per milliliter of semen. However, numbers aren’t everything:...
About Sperm
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