Tag: Pregnancy Complaints

Exercises to Stretch and Strengthen Your Back While Pregnant
Today we have a special guest post from Dr. Brent Wells from Better Health Chiropractic. Happy reading! Even though I, myself, have never been pregnant, I’ve been through two pregnancies with my wife and I’ve also had hundreds, perhaps even thousands, of pregnant patients in my many years practicing as a chiropractor. So, while it’s common knowledge that pregnancy often causes back pain, I’ve certainly gotten an education over the years about exactly how much back pain some women endure. What They Didn’t Tell Me in Med School Chiropractors get some fairly extensive training on pregnancy, but I don’t recall there being much emphasis placed on back pain except for the third trimester. I have since discovered that...

Why Do I Have a Metallic Taste in My Mouth during Pregnancy?
Pregnancy symptoms can range from the ordinary and mundane like morning sickness to the truly bizarre like pica (craving and/or consuming non-food items during pregnancy). One of the more common but less known symptoms you might experience during your pregnancy is dysgeusia. Dysgeusia is the medical term for a relatively simple condition. It means that your sense of taste has changed. During pregnancy, you might experience a metallic or a sour taste in your mouth, even when you’re not eating anything at all. What Causes the Metal Taste? The hormones involved in pregnancy, especially estrogen, seem to be connected to your sense of taste. During pregnancy, your estrogen levels can change dramatically, causing your sense of taste to...
Pregnancy Complaints

Fatigue in Early Pregnancy
There are several reasons why women typically experience fatigue during the first months of pregnancy. Your body is going through changes very rapidly. Although the baby growing inside of you is still tiny, your body is busy preparing for her to grow and develop. Even though it will be eight or nine months before you have your baby, your body is already in the beginning stages of preparing for labor and delivery. In addition to dealing with the changes in their bodies, many women have difficulty getting adequate sleep at night because of the constant need to use the bathroom. Add in nausea, morning sickness, soreness and other early pregnancy symptoms, and you have a combination that’s bound to leave...
Pregnancy Complaints

Relieving Pregnancy Symptoms Naturally
You’re pumped up about being a new mother. However, you’re not sure if you’re ready for the headaches, nausea, heartburn, and hemorrhoids that are common symptoms of pregnancy. Fortunately, there are natural and safe solutions that help women feel better and make their journey through pregnancy with the least amount of discomfort. Morning Sickness Experts recommend morning sickness sufferers should take in protein-rich foods such as a warm glass of milk, a serving of yogurt, or a cheese stick. Peppermint or sour candy, ginger ale, and ice water also help soothe your nausea. You’ll want to avoid spicy or greasy fare. Ginger is historically a natural morning sickness remedy. Many OB/GYN recommends nauseated mothers to take a ginger pill every...
Pregnancy Complaints
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